International economics: the real economy

Part of the

Pathway in International Economics

The topics covered by this course are at the very heart of today's economic and political events. We aim at providing sound and specific tools for the analysis of international economics and explore the most up to date evidence on and interpretation of the current and most relevant phenomena of the international real economy. Beyond these general goals we aim at presenting and analysing in a critical manner the position of our country, Italy, in the rapidly changing world economy. 

The course focuses on the determinants and consequences of integration of good and factor markets. We will dissect three main core issues:

i) the main explanations for observed trade flows between countries and, from countries' trade patterns, we will move to highlight the role of firms in the international markets;

ii) within the general issue on the role of firms in trade, we will focus on how small firms and small firms' clusters - namely industrial districts - cope with the increasing pressure of globalisation;

iii) finally, we will explain the emergence and intensification of migration waves and will highlight the main aspects of EU migration policies. The main value added of the course is having instructors whose research field overlaps with the topics that they will cover.

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate


Social Science

Training hours




Course Mode





4 weeks



Course Status

Self Pacement

Enrollments Start

Oct 23, 2017

Course Opens

Nov 13, 2017

Tutoring Starts

Nov 13, 2017

Tutoring Stops

Dec 10, 2017

Self Paced

Dec 11, 2017

Course Closes

Not Set

The course will allow participants to understand the main real economy models underlying the functioning of the international economy. The course will deliver a clear picture of how factor and good markets work in a globalised economy and what are the forces shaping the international specialisation of countries and the competitiveness of firms in world markets. Beyond these general goals, the course will analyse in a critical manner the position of our country, Italy, in the rapidly changing global economy.

Economics, International Economics, Trade and Migration, Social Sciences

International Economics Robert C. Feenstra; Alan M. Taylor 

©2017 Fourth Edition Cloth Text ISBN-13: 9781319061715

Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

Video lectures combined with powerpoint slides, papers and reports and other supplementary downloadable information.
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to students who have participated in the online course "International economics: the real economy". Students have to watch the video lectures and to pass the test at the end of each Section with a minimum score of 7/10 and the end of course test with a minimum score of 15/20.



Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali



Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali