Approaches to economics, politics, law and criminal issues in Italian high schools according to the CLIL methodology

Questo Corso è parte del

Pathway in B2-English Language level training

The course aims at illustrating some examples of techniques of the CLIL methodology applied to Economics, Politics, Laws and criminal issues teaching in Italian High Schools. In particular, the course will focus on the teaching techniques in English of the following topics: factors of production, sectors of production, marketing, the marketing mix, online marketing, Parliament and the Constitution in the English-speaking countries, some comparisons between the political organization in the English-speaking countries and in Italy, some comparisons between the crime rate in the English-speaking countries and in Italy, legislation.

The [MOOC] is part of the "B2-English Language level training" pathway of the 1st level University Master in "Didactic innovation and CLIL”, produced by University of Foggia. For more information:

Frequenza e Attestati

Attestato di Partecipazione


Scienze Umane

Ore di Formazione




Modalità Corso





4 Settimane



Stato del Corso

Tutoraggio Soft

Avvio Iscrizioni

10 Lug 2018

Apertura Corso

25 Lug 2018

Inizo Tutoraggio

3 Set 2018

Fine Tutoraggio

21 Dic 2018

Tutoraggio Soft

22 Dic 2018

Chiusura Corso

Non impostato
At the end of the course the students will be able to plan and carry out different learning activities in English aimed at improving the following competences: 

  • conversing in different contexts; 
  • writing different types of texts with an appropriate vocabulary; 
  • comprehending passages about economics, politics and law and criminal issues; 
  • writing texts (letters, summaries, essays) about economics, politics, law and criminal issues; 
  • understanding dialogues and interacting in English by using an appropriate vocabulary; 
  • translating passages from English into Italian and vice versa; 
  • making telephone calls at work; 
  • using the language as a means of cultural exchange and of communication at work.

The course addresses high school teachers of Business and Law with an upper-intermediate level of English (B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Teaching materials provided by the teacher.
The course is based on online video lessons, interactive teaching activities and individual study. There will be tutoring and interactive activities too, like webinars and discussions between the teacher and the students.
The certificate of attendance and the Badge will be issued after participating in all the learning activities and completing with positive results the assessment activities included in the course.