University of Perugia

Piazza Università, 1
06123 Perugia, Tel. 075-585.1, Fax 075 585 2067, PEC:

The Studium has a long tradition in the field of academic education as well as a strong and ancient legacy, as it dates back to 1308, when Clement V’s Papal Bull “Super Specula” officially awarded it the status of Studium Generale, although various local Schools and Universitates Scholarium already existed before the formal papal recognition and were held in especially high regard for the excellence of their Medical Sciences and Law seminars. 

During its seven centuries of history many world-famous scholars have taught and given lectures within the University’s majestic walls: Cino da Pistoia, Bartolus de Saxoferrato, Luca Pacioli, Baldus de Ubaldis, Albericus Gentilis, Gentile da Foligno just to name a few, and many others, among whom a good number of Popes and famous public figures, have been educated here. 

The University of Perugia remains to this day one of the top academic institutions in Italy, always striving to maintain its reputation for excellence and to keep up with the ever-changing reality of the modern world. 

With its sixteen Departments, the University of Perugia aims at fostering excellence in numerous educational fields and has received many an official recognition for the quality and dynamicity of its academic structures, among which several centers of excellence (such as the Center of Excellence for innovative nanostructured materials for Biomedical, Chemical and Physics applications, the Center of Excellence for innovative scientific technologies for Archaeological, Historical and Artistic research and the Center of Excellence for Beer Research). The University of Perugia has been awarded the prestigious 2013-2016 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) Label by the European Agency “Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency” – EACEA as well as the Certificate for International Student Satisfaction by the portal after having conducted a poll on students’ overall satisfaction during their stay at our University. 

 The University of Perugia also came up first in the 2014/2015 Censis ranking (Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali – Center for Studies on Social Investments - one of the major Italian Research Foundations), among all the other large Italian Universities (between 20 and 40 thousand enrolled students).


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